In this blog, we show you how you can use QlikMaps to zoom into incredibly detailed areas to geospatially discover your data inside buildings.

Explore Where Business Happens at a Micro Scale

Many companies use geospatial analytics to visualize macro movement and placement of business across zip codes, cities, and countries. But tools like QlikMaps can also be used for geo-analysis on a more micro-level, showing movement patterns within a building and uncovering many opportunities to improve business and the customer experience.

Client Example: Analyzing Sales and Advertising Opportunities in Airports

One of our QlikMaps customers leases out several shops inside an airport terminal. They needed a way to understand how valuable each shop location was in order to charge appropriately for the real estate.

By swapping out a terrestrial map for a blueprint of the terminal, they gained the ability to measure how long potential shoppers lingered in a given area, i.e., their “stickyness factor.” The higher the sticky factor, the more valuable the location and the more profit potential they gained from a higher rent.

In the map, the darker orange areas show a higher sticky factor in locations where airport patrons spent more time. Using this data, our customer was able reevaluate rent and increase profits.

Measuring movement inside a building with a blueprint using QlikMaps.


Additional data was also captured that shows pass-through rates. Instead of measuring how long potential customers stayed in an area, this data measured how many potential customers walked through an area.

In the map, the darker blue areas show a higher pass-through rate. Equipped with this information, our customer created advertising opportunities for retail shop owners with the option for them to promote their business in areas of high pass-through rates.

Look at pass-through rates to strategically place advertising using QlikMaps.

Do More Than Terrestrial Mapping

QlikMaps is capable of much more than simple terrestrial mapping. Indoor mapping opens up a world of possibilities, whether in an airport terminal, a warehouse, or other interior locations, because knowing where your important assets are on site is equally important as where they are in transit.

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Analytics8 Analytics8 is a data and analytics consultancy. We help companies translate their data into meaningful and actionable information so they can stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.
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